Manual KS Portal: Porovnání verzí

Z Prirucky
(Založena nová stránka: <div style="width:100%"> '''<div style="text-align:center; font-size:150%"> Update - KS Portal  |  Settings</div>''' </div> …)
(Nejsou zobrazeny 2 mezilehlé verze od jednoho dalšího uživatele.)
Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
<div style="width:100%">
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'''<div style="text-align:center; font-size:150%"> [[Portal-Update|Update - KS Portal]]&nbsp; |&nbsp; [[Portal-Settings|Settings]]</div>'''
'''<div style="text-align:center; font-size:150%"> [[Portal-Update|Update - KS Portal]]&nbsp; |&nbsp; [[Portal-Settings|General information]]</div>'''
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<div style="width:100%;">
'''<div style="text-align:center; font-size:100%">[[Employee|Employee]]&nbsp; |&nbsp;[[Employees - overviews|Employees - overviews]]&nbsp; |&nbsp;[[PIS (Portal)|PIS]]&nbsp; |&nbsp;[[Managers outputs|Managers outputs]]&nbsp; |&nbsp;[[Portal-Attendance|Attendance]]</div>'''

<!-- EMPLOYEE -->
<!-- EMPLOYEE -->
Řádek 17: Řádek 12:
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[[Personnel info (KS portal)|Personnel info]] <br>   
<!-- [[Employee#Personnel info|Personnel info]] <br> -->  
: [[Personnel info (KS portal)|Personnel info]] <br>
[[Employment Contract (KS portal)|Employment Contract]] <br>  
: [[Salary Information (KS portal)|Salary Information]] <br>   
[[Work Contracts - wage data (KS portal)|Work Contracts - wage data]] <br>
: [[Documents (KS portal)|Documents]] <br>
<!-- [[Employee#Employment Contract|Employment Contract]] <br> -->
<!-- chybí: Dokumenty vystavené -->
: [[Liabilities (KS portal)|Liabilities]] <br>
: [[Employment duration (KS portal)|Employment duration]] <br>
: [[Work experience (KS portal)|Work experience]] <br>
: [[Notes (KS portal)|Notes]] <br>  
Work contract
: [[Employment Contract (KS portal)|Employment Contract]] <br>  
: [[Work Contracts - wage data (KS portal)|Work Contracts - wage data]] <br>
<!-- chybí: Pracovní postup -->
[[Holiday overview (KS portal)|Holiday overview]] <br>
[[Holiday overview (KS portal)|Holiday overview]] <br>
<!-- [[Employee#Holiday overview|Holiday overview]] <br> -->
[[Salary Information (KS portal)|Salary Information]] <br>
<!-- [[Employee#Salary Information|Salary Information]] <br> -->
[[Notes (KS portal)|Notes]] <br>
<!-- [[Employee#Notes|Notes]] <br> -->
[[Work experience (KS portal)|Work experience]] <br>
<!-- [[Employee#Work experience|Work experience]] <br> -->
[[Employment duration (KS portal)|Employment duration]] <br>
<!-- [[Employee#Employment duration|Employment duration]] <br> -->
[[Job role (KS portal)|Job role]] <br>  
[[Job role (KS portal)|Job role]] <br>  
<!-- [[Employee#Job role|Job role]] <br> -->
'''[[Requests (KS portal)|Requests]]''' <br>  
[[Requests (KS portal)|Requests]] <br>
<!-- [[Employee#Requests|Requests]] <br> -->
[[Education (KS portal)|Education]] <br>  
[[Education (KS portal)|Education]] <br>  
<!-- [[Employee#Education|Education]] <br> -->
[[H&S (Health and Safety)(KS portal)|H&S (Health and Safety)]] <br>
[[H&S (Health and Safety)(KS portal)|H&S (Health and Safety)]] <br>
<!-- [[Employee#H&S (Health and Safety)|H&S (Health and Safety)]] <br> -->
[[Performance Record (KS portal)|Performance Record]] <br>
[[Performance Record (KS portal)|Performance Record]] <br>
<!-- [[Employee#Performance Record|Performance Record]] <br> -->
<!-- chybí: Adaptační plány -->
[[Social program (KS portal)|Social program]] <br>
[[Social program (KS portal)|Social program]] <br>
<!-- [[Employee#Social program|Social program]] <br> -->
[[Required equipment (KS portal)|Required equipment]] <br>
[[Required equipment (KS portal)|Required equipment]] <br>
<!-- [[Employee#Required equipment|Required equipment]] <br> -->
<!-- chybí: Zprávy -->
[[Payslip (KS portal)|Payslip]] <br>
[[Payslip (KS portal)|Payslip]] <br>
<!-- [[Employee#Payslip|Payslip]] <br> -->
[[Documents (KS portal)|Documents]] <br>
<!-- [[Employee#Documents|Documents]] <br> -->
[[Business trips (KS portal)|Business trips]] <br>
[[Business trips (KS portal)|Business trips]] <br>
<!-- [[Employee#Business trips|Business trips]] -->
<!-- chybí: Ujeté km -->
[[Deputizing (KS portal)|Deputizing]]
[[Deputizing (KS portal)|Deputizing]] <br>  
[[Calendar (KS portal)|Calendar]] <br>

Řádek 58: Řádek 46:

<!-- MANAGER -->
| style="border:1px solid transparent;" |
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{| id="mp-left" style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; background:#f5faff;"
! style="padding:2px;" | <p id="mp-itn-h2" style="margin:3px; background:#cedff2; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3b0bf; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Employees - overviews</p>
! style="padding:2px;" | <p id="mp-itn-h2" style="margin:3px; background:#cedff2; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3b0bf; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Manager</p>
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[[List of employees (Employees - overviews)|List of employees]] <br>  
[[List of employees (Employees - overviews)|List of employees]] <br>  
<!-- [[Employees - overviews#List of employees|List of employees]] <br> -->  
: [[Employee details (Employees - overviews)|Employee details]]  
<!-- chybí: Jubilea -->
[[Employment Contract (Employees - overviews)|Employment Contract]] <br>  
[[Employment Contract (Employees - overviews)|Employment Contract]] <br>  
<!-- [[Employees - overviews#Employment Contract|Employment Contract]] <br> -->
: [[Work contracts - wage data (Employees - overviews)|Work contracts - wage data]] <br>
[[Work contracts - wage data (Employees - overviews)|Work contracts - wage data]] <br>
<!-- chybí: Prémie a odměny -->
<!-- [[Employees - overviews#Work contracts - wage data|Work contracts - wage data]] <br> -->
[[H&S (Health and Safety) (Employees - overviews)|H&S (Health and Safety)]] <br>
: [[Holiday entitlement (Employees - overviews)|Holiday entitlement]] <br>
<!-- [[Employees - overviews#H&S (Health and Safety)|H&S (Health and Safety)]] <br> -->
: [[Holiday planning (Employees - overviews)|Holiday planning]] <br>  
[[Required equipment (Employees - overviews)|Required equipment]] <br>
<!-- [[Employees - overviews#Required equipment|Required equipment]] <br> -->
[[Education (Employees - overviews)|Education]] <br>
<!-- [[Employees - overviews#Education|Education]] <br> -->
[[Off record status (Employees - overviews)|Off record status]] <br>
<!-- [[Employees - overviews#Off record status|Off record status]] <br> -->
[[Employee's costs (Employees - overviews)|Employee's costs]] <br>
<!-- [[Employees - overviews#Employee's costs|Employee's costs]] <br> -->
[[Retirement (Employees - overviews)|Retirement]] <br>
<!-- [[Employees - overviews#Retirement|Retirement]] <br> -->
[[Organization chart (Employees - overviews)|Organization chart]] <br>
<!-- [[Employees - overviews#Organization chart|Organization chart]] <br> -->
[[Holiday entitlement (Employees - overviews)|Holiday entitlement]] <br>
<!-- [[Employees - overviews#Holiday entitlement|Holiday entitlement]] <br> -->
[[Holiday planning (Employees - overviews)|Holiday planning]] <br>
<!-- [[Employees - overviews#Holiday planning|Holiday planning]] <br> -->
[[Reduced salary statistics (Employees - overviews)|Reduced salary statistics]] <br> 
<!-- [[Employees - overviews#Reduced salary statistics|Reduced salary statistics]] <br> -->
[[Employee details (Employees - overviews)|Employee details]]
<!--[[Employees - overviews#Employee details|Employee details]] -->
<!-- PIS -->
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! style="padding:2px;" | <p id="mp-itn-h2" style="margin:3px; background:#cedff2; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3b0bf; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">PIS</p>
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[[PM description (KS portal)|PM description]] <br>  
[[PM description (KS portal)|PM description]] <br>  
<!-- [[PIS (Portal)#PM description|PM description]] <br> -->
[[Job description (KS portal)|Job description]] <br>
[[Job description (KS portal)|Job description]] <br>
<!-- [[PIS (Portal)#Job description|Job description]] <br> -->
[[Systematization (KS portal)|Systematization]] <br>
[[Systematization (KS portal)|Systematization]] <br>
<!--[[PIS (Portal)#Systematization|Systematization]] <br> -->
<!-- chybí: Systemizační schéma -->
[[Education (Employees - overviews)|Education]] <br>
[[H&S (Health and Safety) (Employees - overviews)|H&S (Health and Safety)]] <br>
[[Performance Record PIS(KS portal)#Performance Record|Performance Record]] <br>
[[Performance Record PIS(KS portal)#Performance Record|Performance Record]] <br>
<!--[[PIS (Portal)#Performance Record|Performance Record]] <br> -->
[[Required equipment (Employees - overviews)|Required equipment]] <br>
[[Selective procedures (KS portal)|Selective procedures]] <br>
[[Selective procedures (KS portal)|Selective procedures]] <br>
<!-- [[PIS (Portal)#Selective procedures|Selective procedures]] <br> -->
: [[Applicants (KS portal)|Applicants]]  
[[Applicants (KS portal)|Applicants]]
<!-- chybí: Kontrola limitů -->
<!-- [[PIS (Portal)#Applicants|Applicants]] -->
<!-- chybí: Adaptační plány -->
<!-- chybí: Obsazenost firemních vozidel -->

Řádek 124: Řádek 82:

| style="border:1px solid transparent;" |
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{| id="mp-left" style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; background:#f5faff;"
! style="padding:2px;" | <p id="mp-itn-h2" style="margin:3px; background:#cedff2; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3b0bf; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Managers outputs</p>
! style="padding:2px;" | <p id="mp-itn-h2" style="margin:3px; background:#cedff2; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3b0bf; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Controlling</p>
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<!-- chybí: SQL sestavy generátoru -->
[[Employee's overviews (KS portal)|Employee's overviews]] <br>  
[[Employee's overviews (KS portal)|Employee's overviews]] <br>  
<!-- [[Managers outputs#Employee's overviews|Employee's overviews]] <br> -->
: [[Off record status (Employees - overviews)|Off record status]] <br>
[[Employee's statistics (KS portal)|Employee's statistics]] <br>  
: [[Retirement (Employees - overviews)|Retirement]]
<!-- [[Managers outputs#Employee's statistics|Employee's statistics]] <br> -->
[[Employee's statistics (KS portal)|Employee's statistics]] <br>
: [[Organization chart (Employees - overviews)|Organization chart]]
[[Graphs (KS portal)|Graphs]] <br>
[[Graphs (KS portal)|Graphs]] <br>
<!-- [[Managers outputs#Graphs|Graphs]] <br> -->
Wage statistics
[[Salary statistics (KS portal)|Salary statistics]]  
: [[Salary statistics (KS portal)|Salary statistics]] <br>
<!-- [[Managers outputs#Salary statistics|Salary statistics]] -->
: [[Reduced salary statistics (Employees - overviews)|Reduced salary statistics]] <br>
: [[Employee's costs (Employees - overviews)|Employee's costs]]

Řádek 161: Řádek 122:
[[Portal-Attendance-Cyclic Calendar|Cyclic Calendar - Example]] <br>
[[Portal-Attendance-Cyclic Calendar|Cyclic Calendar - Example]] <br>
<!-- SETTINGS-->
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<!-- chybí: Nastavení docházky -->
[[Portal-User setting|User setting]] <br>
[[Portal-Parameters|Parameters]] <br>
<!-- chybí: Uživatelé -->
[[Portal-Rights|Rights]] <br>
[[Portal-Line report|Line report - exceptions]] <br>
[[Portal-Links|Links]] <br>
<!-- [[Portal-Application changes list|Application changes list]]-->
[[Portal-Workflow settings|Workflow settings]] <br>
[[Portal-Permission to deputize|Permission to deputize]] <br>
<!-- chybí: Formulář pro uchazeče (nastvení) -->
<!-- chybí: Zprávy --> 
<!-- chybí: Konfigurace schémat -->
<!-- chybí: Metrika -->
<!-- chybí: Výpis práv -->
<!-- chybí: Systémové informace -->
<!-- chybí: Slovník -->
[[Portal-About application|About application]] <br>


Aktuální verze z 23. 4. 2019, 09:56