Employee's statistics (KS portal)

Z Prirucky
Verze z 20. 10. 2014, 09:12, kterou vytvořil Petrf (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka: This bookmark displays the following personal data. == Display == === Employee's turnover === '''Menu:''' Managers´ outputs - Employee's statistics - Employee's turnov…)
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This bookmark displays the following personal data.


Employee's turnover

Menu: Managers´ outputs - Employee's statistics - Employee's turnover

P Employee's turnover.jpg

The user chooses the period of time and the organisational unit. The movements of employees are displayed after pressing the button "create".

In period

Menu: Managers´ outputs - Employee's statistics - In period

P In period.jpg

The user chooses the period of time and the organisational unit. The number of employees according to the job category is displayed after pressing the button "create".


Menu: Managers´ outputs - Employee's statistics - Vacancies

P Vacancies.jpg

The user has the opportunity to choose whether he wants to display only the systemised working positions (those which are included into the organisational structure). The vacancies are displayed after pressing the button "create".

Employee's statistics

Menu: Managers´ outputs - Employee's statistics - Employee's statistics

P Employee's statistics.jpg

The user chooses the organisational unit and the personnel statistics is displayed after pressing the button "create".

Access Rights

Menu: Settings - Rights

  • Managers´ outputs;Employee's statistics;Vacancies:Browsing
  • Managers´ outputs;Employee's statistics;Employee's statistics:Browsing
  • Managers´ outputs;Employee's statistics;Employee's turnover:Browsing
  • Managers´ outputs;Employee's statistics;In period:Browsing

References to the Source Data in the "KS mzdy PROFi" Application