List of employees (Employees - overviews)

Z Prirucky
Verze z 16. 10. 2014, 08:06, kterou vytvořil Petrf (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka: This bookmark displays a report containing personal data of the employees. * There will be set the access rights in that report and the employees who belong to a certain pe…)
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This bookmark displays a report containing personal data of the employees.

  • There will be set the access rights in that report and the employees who belong to a certain person will be displayed after logging in according to the systematisation which is divided by sectors and departments.
  • The display of the personal data of a specific employee will be available after clicking on that employee.
  • It is possible to export or filter the data.


Menu: Employees-overviews - List of employees

P list of emplyees.jpg

Access Rights

Menu: Settings - Rights

  • Employees - overviews;List of employees:Browsing

References to the Source Data in the "KS mzdy PROFi" Application