Tarif a vybrané příplatky aktuální (sestava)

Z Prirucky

Tarif a vybrané příplatky aktuální (sestava) je sestava pro Generátor sestav II.

Tarif a vybrane priplatky aktualni.png


select A.os_cislo, A.prijmeni, A.jmeno, B.cislo_pom, B.datum_nastupu, B.datum_ukonc, B.druh_pom, B.prac_str,
(select naz_pracmist from prac_mist where id_pracmist = B.id_pracmist) as naz_pracmist,
B.zak_uvazek, B.hod_uvazek,
B.typ_mzdy, B.trida, B.tarif, B.os_hodn,
(select sum(castka) from priplatky where os_cislo = B.os_cislo and cislo_pom = B.cislo_pom and kod = 270 and
(plati_do is null or plati_do > (select max(datum_prvni) from par_map))) as pripl_270,
(select sum(castka) from priplatky where os_cislo = B.os_cislo and cislo_pom = B.cislo_pom and kod = 370 and
(plati_do is null or plati_do > (select max(datum_prvni) from par_map))) as pripl_370,
(select sum(castka) from priplatky where os_cislo = B.os_cislo and cislo_pom = B.cislo_pom and kod = 371 and
(plati_do is null or plati_do > (select max(datum_prvni) from par_map))) as pripl_371,
(select sum(kod) from absence where B.os_cislo = absence.os_cislo and B.cislo_pom = absence.cislo_pom and kod in
(select kod from ciselnik where ind_abs = 3) and dat_od <=%DATUMDO% and (dat_do is null or dat_do >= %DATUMOD%)) as mimoev_stav

from pracovnici A, prac_pom B where A.os_cislo = B.os_cislo
order by A.prijmeni
