
Z Prirucky


1) we can take the breaks right in the monthly summation by the attendance code

Menu: Attendance - Monthly summary

The example of taking the break in the monthly summation Setting of the code "Break" Generated break on the working slat
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P Breaks2.jpg
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2) Automatically
It is necessary to do the setting in the working hours model for the automatic generation of the break. The examples are listed below. The automatically generated break is then displayed on the working slat not in the monthly summation.

Menu: Settings - Attendance setting - Working time models - number code

P Breaks4.jpg

Example 1
he way of entering the interval/ time of the break: Interval
IInterval/ Time of the break = 4:30 hours
The length of the break = 45 minutes
In this case the break lasting a half an hour will be always generated after 4 hours of continuous work (related attendance codes which have the indication „Generate the break“ = Yes))

P Breaks5.jpg

Example 2
The way of entering the interval / time of the break: Exact time
Interval/ Time of the break = 11:00 hours
The length of the break = A half an hour

In this case the break will be from 11:00 o´clock till 11:30 o´clock. Due to this break the worked hours will be reduced. For example if the arrival of stuff is set from the 6:00 hours.