Education (KS portal)

Z Prirucky

The user can find the information about the educational attainment, also the information about a required education and obtained certificates in this bookmark. He will also be able to log in to the various types of training (training events), which are laid out via the “KS mzdy PROFi” application by the personnel officer. The user will also be able to assess the tutor (coach) of the particular trainings or to display the obtained certificates.


Qualification card

Menu: Employee - Education - Qualification card

P kvalifikacni karta.png
Information about the Employment, Educational Attainment, Required and Obtained Certificates.

Training action

Menu: Employee - Education - Training action

P skolici akce zam.png
Overview of the fulfilled trainings, trainings that have not been analysed yet and training events where the employee is logged in.

Sign in for training

Menu: Employee - Sign in for training

P prihlaseni ke skol akcim.png
If we load a training event with the future date in the full version of the application ('heavy' application) the event will be displayed in the Portal and the employee will be able to log in to this training event. When creating a training event in the full version of the application (in the 'heavy' application) it is necessary to tick 'allow login via KS Portal'.

Description of the picture:
A - It will show the detail of the training event
B - It will show the filter menu. By this means we can choose the filtering conditions
C - The employee can log in or log out of the training events in this column

Training evaluation

Menu: Employee - Education - Training evaluation

P hodnoceni skol akci.png
Zhe fulfilled training events are displayed here. Identification about the fact that the training event is fulfilled, is done in the full version of the application („heavy“ application) in the bookmark „Evaluation“. There is also the possibility for the employees to assess the training tutor (the assessment scale can be changed in the parameters via the „VarianHodnSkol“.(gr.10)).
You can find the dials there:
PIS-Vzdělávání-Číselníky-Hodnotící otázky;
Evidence-Číselníky-Universální číselníky-Hodnoty odpovědí


Menu: Employee - Education - Cards

P prukazy.png
The cards owned by the certain employee can be displayed there.

Access Rights

Menu: Settings - Rights

  • Employee;Education;Training evaluation:Browsing
  • Employee;Education;Qualification card:Browsing
  • Employee;Education;Cards:Browsing
  • Employee;Education;Sign in for training:Browsing
  • Employee;Education;Training action:Browsing

References to the Source Data in the “KS mzdy PROFi“ Application