Calendar (KS portal)

Z Prirucky
Verze z 25. 6. 2015, 15:15, kterou vytvořil Petrf (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka: '''Calendar (KS portal)''' displays '''required and approved''' * '''My Absence''' * absences of my '''others''' employees. <small>Menu: Employee > Calendar </small> == C…)
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Calendar (KS portal) displays required and approved

  • My Absence
  • absences of my others employees.

Menu: Employee > Calendar


P Calendar.jpg

Bookmark Calendar displays My Absence.



The List

P Calendar-list.jpg

Bookmark 'List' displays a list of employees according to their access rights and required and approved absence. Procedure:

1. Selection of the periods.
2. Button Load.

Classification applied by clicking on the column:

pers. number, or

Filter - in relation to the columns.

Detail of the absence is displayed by double click to the appropriate field. P Calendar-detail.jpg