
Z Prirucky
Verze z 20. 10. 2014, 09:46, kterou vytvořil Petrf (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka: == Elektronické systémy docházek == lectronic attendance systems can be divided into several types. For example this division is possible. In terms of hardware * '''T…)
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Elektronické systémy docházek

lectronic attendance systems can be divided into several types. For example this division is possible.

In terms of hardware

  • The attendance recorded by terminals and smart cards.

The employee owns a smart card and his individual passages are made by attaching the smart card to the terminal. This terminal is located for example by the entrance or at the workplace.

  • The attendance recorded by PC

The employee´s passages are made by the PC. The case, when the attendance is recorded by some chosen person at the workplace for more employees is also very often.

In terms of the transmission of the worked hours into wages

  • The worked hours are transmitted
  • The worked hours are not transmitted

Only the "ceased working hours" are transmitted. The wage system contains the information about the assigned calendar and the period of time which is remaining in the employee´s working fund. This period of time is automatically reported and paid as the worked hours.

The attendance in the "KS Portal" is a type of attendance which uses a PC. Worked hours can be either transmitted or not. It is also necessary to decide about one of the possible ways how you can take the attendance items during the implementation. These can be:

  • from – till (by filling in the interval)
  • length (by filling in the period of time).